Alerts:  Feb. 21: Some federal websites are experiencing disruptions while being reviewed for compliance with President Trump’s executive orders. As a result, some links and information on may be unavailable.


Please notify Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) about patients you are testing for mpox (monkeypox) at using encrypted/secure email or call 509.324.1442 during business hours. Please use 509.869.3133 after hours. You may also send notifications via fax at 509.324.3623.

If you suspect mpox but are unsure if you should test, contact the SRHD Communicable Disease Epidemiology (CD Epi) duty officer to discuss.

  • Laboratories

  • Specimen Collection Information

Patient Education

Patients who are suspected of having mpox must be given isolation instructions by the clinician.


Please review the resources below each time you consider treatment for a patient infected with mpox. These guidelines are being updated frequently.

  • Tecovirimat (TPOXX) Antiviral Treatment Clinical Guidance

  • How to Order Tecovirimat (TPOXX) Antiviral Treatment

  • TPOXX Use Reporting

Special Considerations

Please review the following resources from the CDC regarding clinical considerations for people who are children or adolescents, pregnant or breastfeeding, or living with HIV.


    Information about mpox PEP, PEP++, and PrEP can be found on the CDC website here Considerations for Mpox Vaccination.

    SRHD has a supply of JYNNEOS vaccine and is providing PEP and PEP++ to individuals who meet certain eligibility criteria. Eligible patients can visit to find and sign up for upcoming mpox vaccination clinics. At this time, only individuals who meet the eligibility criteria should sign up to receive the JYNNEOS vaccine. Current eligibility criteria are included in the clinic description.

    If patients find that a given date is already full, they can request to be added to a wait list. Patients who do not have internet access can call 509.324.1442 for assistance.

    Guidance from the Washington State Department of Health (DOH):

    JYNNEOS is licensed for a two-dose series given at an interval of 28 days. In the setting of limited vaccine supply, DOH recommends prioritizing the administration of first vaccine doses rather than retaining inventory for second doses. This means that some people may have their second dose of vaccine delayed beyond 28 days until vaccine supply increases. Exceptions include people with moderate to severe immunosuppression, for whom the second dose should be administered as close to 28 days after the first dose as possible.

    Exposures in Healthcare Settings

    Notify the SRHD Communicable Disease Epidemiology duty officer of all work exposures at using encrypted/secure email or call 509.324.1442 during business hours or 509.869.3133 after hours.

    Please review the links below each time an employee exposure occurs at your facility as guidance is being updated frequently and may change.

    Internal Exposure Notification Letter

    Your facility is responsible for determining the degree of exposure (high, intermediate, or low/uncertain) for staff who are exposed at work, as well as managing the 21-day symptom monitoring period.

    Your organization’s employee health/infection preventionists should use this letter (fillable PDF) to communicate and manage exposures at work: Letter to employee who may have been exposed to mpox.

    This employee letter will continue to be updated. Please access this document from EACH time you need to use it.

    SRHD's Role

    SRHD’s role in support of the community and local health organizations includes the following functions:

    • Case investigation and contact engagement; people who are contacts (and not suspected of having mpox) are recommended JYNNEOS, which SRHD is providing to them
    • Providing PEP and PEP++ JYNNEOS
    • Providing support and consultation to clinicians for decision-making regarding testing and treatment
    • Approving or denying specimens being sent to PHL; approved specimens are picked up by a courier service at the SRHD main campus, and SRHD staff facilitate that process
    • Public communication and education
    1. Information For Healthcare Professionals. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Udated August 19, 2022.
    2. Preparation and Collection of Specimens. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Updated August 26, 2022.