Alerts:  Feb. 21: Some federal websites are experiencing disruptions while being reviewed for compliance with President Trump’s executive orders. As a result, some links and information on may be unavailable.

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The Commercial Tobacco, Vaping and Youth Cannabis Prevention Program works to reduce the use of tobacco, vape and cannabis products among youth. The program focuses on efforts to prevent youth from starting to use and encouraging individuals who currently use to quit. Staff also enforce the laws and regulations that protect people from secondhand smoke and vape exposure. This program is funded by the Washington State Department of Health.

Commercial tobacco, vaping and cannabis products are constantly evolving, and this requires continued and strategic efforts to communicate these changes and their impact to community leaders, parents, and policy makers. The sections below include resources that provide important information for decision making.

Services We Offer

  • Quit Coach Training

  • Vaping and Cannabis 101 Presentation

  • Effects of Vaping and Cannabis Presentation

For more information about any of the above services, please contact Amanda Dugger at or 509.324.1618.

Partners Across Eastern Washington

Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) partners with several organizations across Eastern Washington to facilitate prevention and cessation efforts, including multiple coalitions here in Spokane County.

Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative Coalitions

Spokane County is home to five community prevention coalitions. Coalitions use a variety of strategies to promote prevention in their communities based on the current needs and ability to leverage resources available. This includes programs like parenting classes, youth prevention activities at local high schools, and large public awareness campaigns including prescription drug takeback events.

Learn more: Spokane Prevention Coalitions

Find out about local prevention and wellness efforts—listen to the Spokane County Prevention Podcast on Spotify or check out the newsletter.

  • Newsletter

  • Safe Storage

Laws and Policies

Local, state and federal laws pertaining to tobacco, vapor and cannabis products are enforced by different agencies. Use these resources to learn more.

  • Federal

  • State

  • Local

Sarah McNew, West Spokane Wellness Partnership; Amanda Dugger, SRHD); Lorraine Holokai, Northeast Support Team coalition; and Heather Osborne, Shadle Prevention and Wellness Coalition
Sarah McNew, West Spokane Wellness Partnership; Amanda Dugger, SRHD); Lorraine Holokai, Northeast Support Team coalition; and Heather Osborne, Shadle Prevention and Wellness Coalition

Working to Improve Laws and Regulations - Prevention Voices

SRHD participates in Prevention Voices Washington, a skill-building group and action network for youth substance use prevention workers and mental health professionals to conduct statewide advocacy efforts. The group includes all professionals in Washington coordinating substance use prevention funding, all members of coalitions, all youth that are tied to youth leadership activities, public health professionals, and national organizations. Anyone in Washington state working to protect youth is welcome to join Prevention Voices Washington efforts.

Learn more about Prevention Voices and the legislative process on the Foundation for Healthy Generations website.

Tobacco Prevention Toolkit
Tobacco Prevention Toolkit

Created by Standford Medicine

Learn More

Start Talking Now
Start Talking Now

Talk with your children about making healthy choices - they are listening.

Learn More