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Program Overview

The Active Living program at Spokane Regional Health District promotes the role of exercise as a way of life, integrating physical activity into everyday routines.

Program staff spend much of their time encouraging human-powered modes of transportation, such as walking or biking, which is known as active transportation. The program supports active living by ensuring the community is built to be safe for those who practice active transportation.

The work of this program is important as staff ensure that systems, policies, and the environmental support active living in the county. Staff ensure options are realistic, affordable and convenient for all individuals.

Active Living staff work with outside agencies including Spokane Regional Transportation Council, City of Spokane, City of Spokane Valley, Spokane Transit Authority, and Spokane Public Schools to carry out its mission.

Health Benefits of Active Transportation

  • Reduced Injuries - Better street design, including crosswalks, reduced lane widths, street trees, and bike lanes contribute to fewer motor vehicle, bicyclist and pedestrian injuries.

  • Reduced Air Pollution - Air pollution is associated with respiratory and heart diseases. Increased use of active transportation modes helps decrease vehicle miles traveled and thus exhaust.

  • Economic Vitality - Providing active transportation options (walking and bicycling) can benefit local economies in a variety of ways such as decreased transportation costs, increased property values, decreased health care costs, and increased employment and tourism.

  • Increased Social Connections -Walking, biking or taking transit promotes opportunities to engage with or meet other people.

Community Partners

Public transit, greenways and trails, sidewalks and safe street crossings near schools, bicycle paths, traffic-calming devices, and sidewalks that connect schools and homes to destinations—all are associated with greater physical activity and lower obesity rates. Health department partners with a broad spectrum of community groups and leaders on active transportation projects. Here are a few of our current partnerships:

Walking and Hiking Maps for Spokane County
Walking and Hiking Maps for Spokane County

Looking for great places to walk, run or hike in Spokane County?

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