Alerts:  Feb. 21: Some federal websites are experiencing disruptions while being reviewed for compliance with President Trump’s executive orders. As a result, some links and information on may be unavailable.

Measles Advisory for Healthcare Providers

Imported Measles in Snohomish County

Posted May 27, 2022. Past health advisories and alerts are archived for historical purposes and are not maintained or updated.

On February 20, 2022 testing at Washington State Public Health Laboratories (WA PHL) confirmed measles in a Snohomish County resident with a rash that started on February 15, 2022. The infant is believed to have been infected during travel to South Asia prior to returning to Washington. Health officials at the Snohomish Health District and Public Health-Seattle & King County have been contacting people who were at impacted locations to alert them of the potential exposures.

Before the infant was diagnosed, others may have been exposed in the following locations:

  • Sea-Tac Airport: February 19: 11:45 a.m. – 2:45 p.m.
  • Seattle Children’s Hospital, Emergency Room Lobby, 4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle: February 20: 12:34 a.m. – 2:49 a.m.

For more details, please refer to Snohomish Health District’s provider alert.

Spokane Regional Health District is asking healthcare providers to be aware and evaluate patients for:

  • Measles-like symptoms that started between February 26 and March 13, 2022.
  • A history of having been at the times/locations listed above is reported to you or seen in a facility in your jurisdiction.

A Measles Assessment Checklist listing symptoms and testing recommendations for healthcare providers is available HERE.

If measles is highly suspected, please complete the assessment form and immediately contact SRHD Epidemiology at 509-869-3133 (24/7), or the WA DOH CD Epi Team at 206-418-5500 to request rapid measles molecular testing at WA PHL. WA PHL is prepared to perform molecular testing for measles virus on respiratory and urine specimens, as well as serologic testing (both IgG and IgM).