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The health district is part of the construction process for public, private and parochial K-12 schools, including sites for homeschool enrichment programs. Health district involvement is required by WAC 246-366 for projects defined as “new construction”.  Projects like purchasing/leasing property, remodeling, installing portables, moving shop equipment and upgrading lights need health district approval.  Approval is required before construction starts and after the project is completed (before occupancy).

Step #1 – School Notifies Health District of Proposed Project

Early notification is the key to a smooth process; it allows health and safety concerns to be identified and addressed when it’s most cost effective. Ample time is needed because the health district must approve the proposed construction site in addition to the proposed plans.  

Site approval means the health district reviews the proposed site to ensure it does not present any health problems. This step is required even for projects at existing schools. The health district researches prior uses of the property and may require a site sound level survey and/or additional information. For large projects or new locations, the site approval process should occur before plans are submitted.  

Early notification can be accomplished by:

  • Participating in the commercial project review process, coordinated by the local building department
  • Submitting preliminary school site plans to the health district
  • Notifying the health district of long-range plans
  • Contacting the health district when considering a new/different school location


IMPORTANT NOTE: written health district site approval is required at the D-5 step for public school projects receiving funding assistance through the OSPI School Construction Assistance Program (SCAP). Site approval should occur as early as possible in the process.


Frequently asked questions and more detailed information can be found here.